Senin, 24 Mei 2010

PDF Download The Panther

PDF Download The Panther

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The Panther

The Panther

The Panther

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The Panther

Product details

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Audible Audiobook

Listening Length: 21 hours and 29 minutes

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Unabridged

Publisher: Hachette Audio Release Date: October 15, 2012

Language: English, English


Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

When a book doesn’t engage me, I check to see how many pages to the end of almost every chapter so I know how long until I can lay the book down. I did that with The Panther. Mercifully, DeMille’s chapters were short.One problem here is terrorists in general and Al Qaeda specifically. They’ve both been done to death, have become almost caricatures through overuse, the dialog authors put in their mouths trite. Surely, there are other topics that would make an interesting plot. Plus, this book reads like a rehash of The Lion. Different target, different country, but the basic plot is the same: John Corey and Kate Mayfield after a terrorist.Another one is ‘story creep,’ the novelist’s equivalent of ‘mission creep’ in the military. Like a military op that grows from a simple one-objective mission to a complex multi-objective one, story creep involves constantly upping the stakes the main character(s) face. DeMille has taken John Corey from investigating murders to fighting terrorists on the world stage. A side effect of story creep is that the books get longer and longer but not necessarily more action-filled.It happens here. The story strolls along with nothing happening (except for a lot of talk and people moving around) until almost 300 pages into this 600+ page book. That’s at least 100 pages too late for a thriller. And then nothing happens until roughly the last 70 pages. There’s too much nonessential stuff throughout the book, like page after page of Yemen’s political history.On the plus side, DeMille maintains John’s sarcastic take on just about everything and Kate’s sorely tried patience with him. That has always been one of the best aspects of this series.All this boils down to one thing: a thriller should be taut. The Panther is just flabby. There’s too much talk and not enough action.

I'm a big fan of Nelson DeMille and, normally, his books are real page-turners. I usually can't put them down. This book was soooo boring! It seemed that the entire book was a series of set-up lines so John Corey (the main character) could make some smart remark in an attempt to be funny. It took until about 85% through the book before anything of substance happened - much of the conversation between the characters was so repetitive - I believe that was done to make the book longer. Even after the little bit of action in the book, the ending did not satisfactorily wrap up the story. I will definitely not buy another book with the John Corey character in it. I will also be cautious about buying any more Nelson DeMille books.

Before my review, I need to state 2 items. First, I just love the earlier novels of Nelson DeMille. Second, I am not a big fan of the John Corey series. Thus if you loved the previous books in the John Corey books, you probably will like this one. The main character gets on my nerves at times, with his constant jokes.One thing the reader needs to know is that the first 2/3rds of the book is all about Yemen, Arab culture, Arab tribal politics, and the Muslim religion. Many previous reviewers did not like this section, I actually liked it allot. This section gave me a better understanding of the Muslim world, and why peace in this area is hard to come by.What I did not like about the book. As stated above, John Corey got on my nerves at times. There is not much action in the first 2/3rds of the book, even though the author, makes the reader believe there will be. He mentions that the Panther is setting up an attack on a American Oil Refinery. Instead of describing the attack, he just mentions that the attack was unsuccessful, and one person was captured. This is not on isolated case, where he author makes the reader believe something will happen, and then nothing happens.The last 3rd of the book, is where they are trying to kill the panther. There is 6 members on the team, and its always John Corey being the brains or the action hero. I also did not like the CIA sub-plot in the book, it was very unbelievable.If you want to read a Nelson DeMille book, read one of his first 5 novels, so much better than this one.

Nelson DeMille is perfection. Once again, he delivers his Corey character in this very dark, funny way that makes him so very likeable. This is a violent tale and he slams it out of the ballpark right out of the gate- first five pages. Boom! Story line/ plot and characters are fantastic! Plus, I really enjoyed the informative stuff about the schizophrenia of the tribal factions (ISIS) in Yemen. You get your education but you get it woven tight into your entertainment. DeMille is a master in his genre. Buy it, buckle up and read! You won't regret it! Great book!

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